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many many pics dae

Lol todae gerald come to my hse again and damn it we studied so hard like duh we did. Dun laugh reali gt one bt its juz that we did have SOME fun hahaha lol this reali suckz man the whole afternoon doing lit and history and other crap though its not really funny. Anyway gt golf todae and lost a game.........need to do 5 push up easy to accomplish but the embarrassment was not though. Gerald went home at 6 bt forgt to take his sd card wif him. bought bubble tea wif him bt he left me to drink it alone..........evil. bt i had char kuai tiao and its so hot spicy and tasty yummy. The video below is actually a record clip of my harassment on Gerald its juz crap bt its damn funny Deon plz dun be angry hahaha damn funny:)) -wad i actually sae is below- enjoy!!!

(Hello...your mother so fat...so fat...hey remember arh cheryl like cherie...HHH...oh my god...chee beng...hey heres another one for deons son...Lam Chee Beng...Hey er now wad...um cheryl whos your mama...meee...ok...your your your mama tan tan ta la la la your your your mama tan tan ta la la la...ke...fine)

here are some other pictures~~~>>>

thats me studyin......yup thats a chicky water bottle and im nt lame!!! ><"
gerald told me to do that tot he wanted to see me sleepy lolz

Thats winnie the pooh in the donkey's skin???......OMG he's a killer arh!!!
Thats me takin a short break when ka zam!! I was taken......natural smile though:P
I did not trap the two figurines there they juz commited a crime of makin me cry thats all -.-lllMe in luv with pikachu......and no im nt gay nor am i unfaithful.asshole-chu......
Gerald's fone quite nice to play oh no another picture darn X.X!!
Dont mind that its me screaming at Gerald well dun look too deep ok hahaha lolz XDThis is Marc um does he have stiff mouth muscles every time smile one??? :D
Um this Lucas dun look into his mouth still gt todae's lunch inside... :O

This is Marc -.O again...

This is Lucas O.o again...

These are me *crazy mode* brothers how *not veri* cute they look awww... i min ouch!!!

Thats the pool view very attracting.......though not interesting cuz no babes...bikini clad babes

And finally thats me in thailand's influence and the guy in the middle he's the angel, well was......

Thats it for todae's post took me 1hr n a half damn long laggy comp n connection shito. Anyway its the first time i even take so many pictures lol its the end man todae i had fun thx Gerald......again XP sleepy bt must study literature gd nitez people Zzzzz.....

it's 3:31 AM now

Retarded dae

Wah todae i studied my literature finished the 'Last Trade' damn fun read it a few times highlight here n there damn bo liao bt bo pian cuz gt test lah. Then todae on my way bck frm chinese tuuition was blasting music. hahaha.............oh no i saw this retardee he was pressing the number one on his handphone for like 30 plus times then press call then turn off. see the handphone he use i know that he rich mans son anyway i used the comp on sneak haha. oh fcuk my my saw..........guess have to stop here keep u posted on any crap that i find!!!!!!!!!:]

it's 12:46 AM now

hao wen dae

lol todae title is like that as gerald is revolving around my world cuz he help me buy food then he treat me bubble tea then old chang kee hahaha so gd. Then go follow me go YW hme where we kinda study.........psychological study.(inclusive of tai tee, if thats how u spell it and quarrellings) lolz bt either way vry fun!!! Then gerald go me hse go study for history hahaha lol nvm i have been studyin liao then i took his file back by accident bt he tml oso cming so its now gerald's life and mine. Todae its compo and compre test and that is far by the easiest test hahaha lol I rawk n so does all the people that read my blog

it's 4:02 AM now

dead dae

I may be a


Monster at times





You know that

we are still




u know that i am

So dun

leave me!!!

Ignore then links couldnt get it off><''' any way this is my posting for todae=>

todae was veri dead todae so i turned on the comp and blasted music. Met Gerald online and we talked crapped and then talked over the fone for like 1hr++ then we exchanged music and then tlk like morons we are best frens for life( P.S i dun know how long is my lifeXD). There is nth to do todae so i made this nonsense at the top juz to entertain myself while talkin to gerald!!! Thx gerald for listening to my crap!!! At night was looking through old fotos OMG I was sOoooo cute WTF now become devil liao damn it shit why have it become this way it is not supposed to be that way cried abit though damn emo must be emo tml at sch anyway its compo so can relieve stress so others jia youxx. Btw dun gt so close to me cuz will gt very emo………. Duh that’s wad emo people react rite??? Will post the pictures the next dae or so cuz todae reali no time. :]

it's 1:41 AM now

great dae

Hahaha todae was damn cool I had geog paper and already four marks gone hahaha lol but anyway was walkin to the bus stop with yangwenn as her cousin tio harass by other people cuz they wan date her then she dun wan den you know… Anyway yw saw francis n then boom she was like omg he so cute gugugaga lol she reali has a lot of luv inside. Met wif Cacey at the bus stop n he takes five as well then we were all talkin………retardly in the middle of the bus jkin n layghin lik morons but we enjoyed then there was this joke on yw. We said that yw reads sms horizontally minin to sae that she read si bei fast bt I converted it to a joke look below=>

(take it that the guy in the sms is reali dumb in english)

HI my name is John

And I am a male. I

Really LOVE triangles.

I have a YANG son that

Is learning hua WENN.

Get it ??? she reads slanted mins it’s a misunderstanding hahaha lol darn your not laughin!!><

it's 11:42 PM now

lame dae

todae is ben n jerry's free cone dae hahaha was at whitesands seeing typical singaporeans queue weel not all hahaha lols but anyway was there with brian leon(1e5) and jordan(1e3) and they were playing cards lol childish pigs *scoffs*. Then then todae alrite lah gt 27.5 for chem upon 50 so low i usually get 41 like that de for my sciences faggot. Todae oso go see physics teacher for recap on physics hahaha only got the critical angle and total internal refraction left lol. Todae was not so gd as nobody stayed back to do anything liao tml geog paper lah sianz dotz......onli at chapter three after so long!!! anyway was happy as not much scoldins hahaha exept one where i shouted Cxx Bxx at reginald for slapping my chest then some asshole teacher go scold me ask me to wash mouth with listerine then change to dettol cant he tell that dettol cannot use grrrr angry at his face!!! ><'''

it's 2:37 AM now

fine dae

lol do u know frens can be made even though u dun know that they are yours ??? lik for example todae one my way home i said hi to this malay girl on the other bus beside the one im in then when her bus left we waved good bye and firmania was like OMG how can u make frens wif a person u dun even know!!! todae nt so bad cuz i finished both of my chinese homework that was due for like two months liao!!! then i broke down during maths lesson cuz too stress liao cannot take it hahaha lol dotz........... Then stayed bck wif cass xiao zhu firmania bryan ginko nut mrs wong(form teacher bohohoho!!><''') hazel nut hui ying yan tin and YUNYU!!!!!!!! anyway was doing work wif her and discussing abt the compre hahaha so fun then gone liao lor........ five plus leave sch lol bought a ice pop then the rest bought some other crap and mrs wong bought the ice pop trafic light hahaha lol so fun!!!

it's 3:45 AM now

borin dae

todae you guys better enjoy this post bcuz i sneaked it in cuz my family all swimming then i doing my revision and playing music then sneakly go post blog hahaha todae nth much juz that ginko out spoke something but i dun mind but i ask you all is it ok if a guy that is juz a fren to this girl wipes her tears off her face. If this is ok then u better think that ginko nut is a vry childish gal. Actually i dun blame her maybe all u guys also may think the same thing. Any way i think that geog revision is the most tiring of any revision grrrr anyway i will post a picture of my tuition fren who wans to fall in luv make sure u see hor !!! Handfone number and details to be filled in in the next post for now tata :)

it's 2:53 AM now

ok dae

Todae , now that the exams are coming i am more then ever willing to study best n wif all my heart reali no kiddin but any way todae quite well nth much juz that i was like a big fatty dog bitin people evrywhere reggie Joel Gerald hahaha sry folks!!:) bt todae i stayed back again wif deon ballz and brian then after that we wen to play basketball wif lucas hahaha so fun sweaty n sticky lol i wanted to upload todae bt no pics so bo pian haizzz..........sianz might not be posting cuz mid year liao lol

it's 3:26 AM now

Nice dae

todae i bought a mentos at the mama shop outside sch n when some people saw it then bongo gogo crazy liao then the person who killed my sweet he most is CHERIE MONSTER!!! :O Then got this picture of allen and kanda so cute wanna post it up n edit my posts. Cuz CHERIE MONSTER!!! :O anway heres the picture. Continuing my dae todae, some people just forget everything when their having fun like deon. He forgot that it is his father's bdae today and at 4.30 rushed out of school cuz b4 that he was studyin wif me. Then met CHERIE MONSTER!!!:O and AUDITION FREAK!!!:O (aka ginko nut) They were doing a maths question that even the upper secs did not know how to do of course i tried to do n almost came to conclusion........almost. Then we checked the back of the text book and realized that the answer was the first step of the question, dumb n retarded then CHERIE MONSTER!!!:O did not promise to gib me the sweet as she prom to gib me asshole. Xiao zhu didnt come no asshole gang spirit todae sighx...

it's 5:34 PM now


Posting pics of me as my fren sae that dun have my pics so here they come dun laugh
not funny!!

it's 7:54 AM now

Fun dae

hahaha :) teachers of me old man is Mr Sim kind geogy teacher

I dunno why i snapped alot of pics to day with my camcorder hahaha omg firman still still smokes -jkin only-

todae is homec exam mrs choo sae that no one will be able to cheat......i didnt think so any way i studied reali hard but still nth went into my brain reginald bullied two girls todae xiao zhu n yun yu agrrrr..... yun yu was so hurt he punched her knuckle same went to xiao zhu reginald my good friend made himself look like king kong hard outer core soft inter-caramel layer. Any way firman came to my hse n he help me set up my blog hahaha thx man!!!

it's 3:16 AM now

good dae

Todae was crap man two test one chinese listening compre and english test omg sure fail one......haizzz jia lat. The chinese all correct cuz i used multi crap eyes to help me win the tides. Had a fight with Teng Wei todae n Wa Bang he cried was feeling guilty until I hit reginald. hahaha si bei suang. yeo yi is a bastard he no care about feelings one he even congrat me for making ten balls cry bastard......but i like it!!! Then we went to whitesands library to study for me homec. Then some irritaing people snap pics of me n yun yu thinking it was fun. Its ok if u snap but all the angles all like kanna sai one n look so pixelated hahaha jkin only if gt chance post her picture lah hahaha show u all. Now i finally got the video hahaha see how u guys enjoy it btw gerald i wan yun yu fotos there is no way i am gonna leave my blog without her fotos hahaha lol (: um any body want to see the video then wen i on msn then tell me ok bb for now

it's 6:30 PM now

There is only one me

Treasure me as i will be gone soon
I luv
I luv sQuares
I luv the people around me
I Luv goliath
I luv chocalates
I luv hamsters
I luv mentos
I luv d-gray man
I luv Pokemon
I luv Bio
I luv chem
I luv physics
I luv geog
I luv history
I luv most teachers
I luv smilin
I luv U
I luv sQuares
say ur fuck

anotherblog section

Hazel Princess
Yan Tin
Xiao Zhu
Hui Ying
Pei Chin
Yun Yu
Yang Wenn
Ting Han
Jiang Seng
Tian Wei
Teng Wei
Hao Yang
Jie Qi
Hao wen
Yeo Yi
Han Qi
Yi Xin
Yan ling
Xiao Yun
Ting Ting
Yong Liang
Chun Hoe(2e2)
Xian wen
Zhi Ting
Kai Sheng
Edwin Chian
Chun Hoe(2e1)
Hui Xin
Samuel Lim
Samuel Gan
Jun lin
Hao Jun
Wei Zhu
Koon Chew
Wei Jian
Thats all first will change soon those whos name not there tell me immediately will add within 24 hrs (:
Fun stuff when bored
Say yr mother so fat jkes
Think of your loved one
Think of things u like to do
Finally => do it!
subjects flung
subjects passed